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Offers & packages are typically not available during school holidays times. All offers are subject to availability at the time of booking. Please call to enquire as package prices will vary with number of occupants per booking. ‘From’ prices are based on 4 adults sharing a Two Bedroom Beach House but offers and packages are available across all house types.
To enquire call 01736 805 981 (opt 1).
Private Yoga Class
In-house Yoga guru Bex will guide you through a private class, increasing strength and stability ready for your next surf session!
Pizza Party
Our pizza party experience is ideal for beach house gatherings. We’ll bring a large pizza oven and a hamper brimming with ingredients.
Enjoy dinner at our outdoor gastro-kitchen and bar.
Private Surf Lessons
Daily two hours lessons. Your surf coach will help you improve your surfing skills, read the waves and feel confident on your board.